Recently we were able to assist one of our customers with a Demag AC 300 CAN Bus Repair after troubleshooting his communication issues. Here was our response on some basic troubleshooting. If you have a similar problem, give our service department a call, we may be able to help you: 855.BODE.TEC
“It appears that your Inclination Sensor for the Carrier A180 is starting to experience I/O errors slowing down or shutting off the communication with the bus system and the CPU at times. This can be due to:
- To a faulty input or output bus signal of the A180 Inclination Sensor.
- A wiring issue or connector problem at the Inclination Sensor.
- A problem with the electronic I/O components and/ or slave driver of the inclination sensor, inside.
- It also could be a wiring issue of the blue bus cable, the wiring, from the inclination sensor to the Bus-coupler and from there to the PDC rack.
Did this happen yesterday only, or has it been occurring more frequently? If the problem is located inside the inclination sensor, a new sensor may quickly solve the problem. Otherwise, due to complexity of the PDC, I recommend that we troubleshoot or check the malfunction on the crane some more. Give us a call and we can talk about it.”