Safety First – Simplicity Second
At BTS Crane Parts we specialize in providing our customers with viable, cost effective, options to support their safe crane operations. If you need assistance with choosing a retrofit or replacement crane anti two block system please call us toll free at 855.BODE.TEC or worldwide at +1.303.433.8878

The crane replacement anti two block system are a series of devices designed to warn the operator of an impending two block situation and shut off crane motion via pre installed shutoff solenoids. These systems are designed to work on telescopic cranes, boom trucks, derrick trucks and conventional lattice cranes.
Retrofit Crane Anti Two Block Replacement Options
Hirschmann PRS90 - $2446
- Multi Function Display (102050)
- A2B Switch (102030)
- Weight & Chain (102030)
- Mounting Hardware (102030)
Full LMI Computer Replacement Options:
Basic Elements of a Crane Replacement Anti Two Block System
- Display or Receiver Unit - is mounted in the cab or by the operator controls and is able to monitor the radio signal for the boom tip located anti two block switch. Generally this display is also able to generate an electrical signal output used to activate pre installed lockout function. The display/receiver comes standard for 12V or 24V negative body machines. For machines requiring non-standard electrical systems, adapting relays or different installation procedures might be needed as further detailed.
- Radio Anti Two Block Switch - to be installed at the tip of the boom and/or jib. This switch actually detects the two block condition via use of a weight and chain and relay switch and instantaneous transmits this information to the control mounted display.
- Weight & Chain - this is the part of the system that hangs down along the load line and holds the anti two block switching mechanism under pressure. If the hook block moves too close and lifts this weight the switching mechanism in the A2B switch is triggered.
These systems will easily adapt to all crane types and it requires only a minimum of installation time.